Our Affiliate Partners
We partner with bodies or organizations that subscribe to the VISION and MISSION of the United Nationals (UN).

Advocacy & Media Support Foundation (AMSF) is a registered not-for-profit organization based in Ghana. We are committed to promoting good governance, particularly at the local level to increase citizens’ participation, citizen-government engagement and responsive governance.

Registered on 16th February and renamed in 2019, LAMACONSULT FOUNDATION is committed to forging strategic collaborations to promote peace and progress of humanity and to implement its human centered policies as well as the United Nations agenda 2030 and other resolutions, including those of the Africa Union, Commonwealth, ECOWAS and allied bodies.
MISSION STATEMENT: Established in 1994 and renamed in 2019, the foundation is committed to forging strategic collaborations to promote Universal Peace, Good Governance, Human Rights and Progress for Humanity through education and advocacy and to make peace interventions and implement human oriented policies including humanitarian services. It also aims at implementing the United Nations Agenda 2030 and other resolutions including 2250 and the peace, education and human development policies of the Global Peace Mission, Alfred Nobel University, The Commonwealth of Nations / Commonwealth University, ECOWAS, Africa Union and it’s Agenda 2063 Goals, Mission Africa Inc., CUFI and accelerate the Pan African agenda.
- P. O. Box MKS 194 Mankessim .
- +233 249739905 / +233 209323871
- lamaconsultfoundation@hotmail.
com marklamptey75@gmail.com. - fb: LAMACONSULT FOUNDATION

Click Communications Ltd is a dully registered company incorporated in 2011; and certified by the Data Protection Commission of Ghana. We are a growing company which specializes in innovative IT-enabled solutions. We pride ourselves on our innovative and competitive services and the quality of our customer service delivery.
Over the years, we have built a few solutions namely SaintsBookPlus, Speed Connect, Nstacom, and ClientServicePlus. Find details about these solutions on our services page. We are committed to partnering organizations/businesses to offer the best IT-solutions to promote growth. This is who we are!
- +233206007255, +233548629941
- E-mail: clickcomgh@gmail.com
- client@clickcomgh.com